Welcome ARISE employees, to your new Wellness Program Member Portal.

InDeed Wellness and ARISE have partnered to bring a new resource to help you maintain your health and well being. We have worked with your HR & Benefits team to provide you a fast and simple way for you to understand your wellness program requirements as well as view up-to-date information about your program status.

Here is a quick summary of the requirements to receive the maximum reduction on your healthcare premiums:

  1. Participate in ARISE's onsite Biometric Screening Event.

  2. Attend at least 2 WellnessTalks

  3. Submit your annual tobacco attestation.
    (If you currently smoke, you will also need to complete an approved cessation program.)

The deadline for completing all 3 program requirements is September 30.

If you have any questions about your wellness program requirements, please email Iyleah Gilbert at igilbert@ariseinc.org.

 We hope that navigating your member portal is easy and intuitive. Here is a brief overview to help you find important resources.

  • My Status- This will tell you what you have completed so far in the program and what remains to be done. You can also view/edit your profile information to change your email address and password if desired.

  • My Seminars- Here you will find a list of all available seminars that you can view and then complete the short quiz to receive credit. You will also find the list of completed quizzes to review your answers.

  • My Tobacco Status- This is where you submit your annual tobacco attestation.

  • My Screenings- This view gives you details on how to schedule your on site screening appointment or download and submit the PCP Biometric Results form.

  • My Documents- Here you will find any documents or forms related to your program, including the Primary Care Provider Biometrics Results form.