Research has shown that healthy work culture leads to satisfied employees and increased productivity. In order to increase the effectiveness of workplace wellness initiatives, it is crucial that businesses adopt practices that work towards creating a “supportive health-promoting environment” for their employees.
We live in a culture that is absolutely enthralled with data. It sometimes seems that decision-makers just can't get enough data to quench their desire to make the right decision. Data can be viewed through a microscope or a telescope, depending on what decision you want to support, but data is rarely, if ever, looked at through a personal lens.
...Another great benefit of taking the discipleship approach is the speed and clarity with which your mission and vision can be communicated throughout your organization.
Being a wellness leader can seem like a walk down a long and lonely road. But when you stop and look around, you will see that there are many coworkers on the side of the road just waiting for you to connect and ask them to join you.
It's easy to be honest when the message is in line with who you are. No one is surprised to hear what you have to say. It's easy to maintain integrity when there is a consistent set of values from which your actions flow.
It seems that the latest buzz word in program incentive planning is “outcome-based”. Many companies are adopting outcome-based strategies to improve the health and productivity of their employees.
It is important for any organization to approach the health and wellness of their employees in the same way they would approach any crucial project. The first step is to identify the core problem. It is easy to identify rising health care costs as the problem because their tangible and affecting your bottom line every day. However, don't fall into the trap of treating symptoms instead of the root cause. Why has the rise of health care costs become expected and inevitable? As you answer this deeper question, remember, your organization is a microcosm of the society we all live in.