Awareness is the first step to prevention.

Becoming aware is the first step to improving your health and well-being. That is why we provide you with our comprehensive Awareness Health Screening. Your screening may include measurement of your blood pressure and body composition, and a finger stick blood draw to measure your cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The total time for your health screening appointment will be 12-15 minutes. 

  • Your results for glucose, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol will be most accurate if you observe an 8 hour fast before testing. Drinking water is acceptable and encouraged but you should refrain from eating or drinking anything else during that time.

  • To receive an accurate reading of your blood pressure, please plan to arrive at least 5 minutes early to your appointment. While you are waiting, sit quietly and take at least five deep cleansing breaths.

  • The Awareness Health Screening you will receive is intended to provide you with health status information only. Your screening results do not represent a diagnosis of any medical condition such as high cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes. If the results you receive at your screening are not optimal, it is recommended that you consult your physician or health care provider for diagnosis and treatment as necessary.

  • Our company adheres to a strict quality assurance program to ensure that the results we provide to you are as accurate as possible. Our program includes steps to ensure all equipment and testing agents are operating properly and within manufacturer-provided ranges. Despite all of these efforts, the results you receive from your screening may differ from those provided to you by your physician. Most often this is due to circumstantial variables such as length of fasting time, recent exercise or consumption of alcohol or high fat foods.