Having trouble sticking to an exercise program? Plan for success.

It’s easy to forget about healthy walking plans, so set the stage for a successful program:

  • Establish a walking schedule. Plan to walk 30 or more minutes each day. This might include a 10-minute neighborhood walk in the morning, and a 20-minute romp at the dog park after work. Maybe three 10-minute walks or one 30-minute walk will fit in better with your day.

  • If dog walking is “scheduled” into each day, you’ll feel more responsible for sticking with your program. Plus, your dog will also get used to the routine and remind you when “it’s time!”

  • Track your progress. Post a calendar on the refrigerator and add a sticker for each 30 minutes of walking you do each day. This will reinforce your healthy behavior and make you pause before opening the door to grab a calorie-laden snack!

  • Dog walking is a great way to jump-start a healthy lifestyle program.