Chaos can present in our lives in many different forms resulting from overextending ourselves, by attempting to meet the demands of others, neglecting our own needs, coping with increasingly difficult everyday tasks, and having a lack of support or validation. We can develop a sense of living in a chaotic vs. calm world, often resulting in anxiety, panic and a loss of control and balance. The good news is that we can regain our sense of balance in life by learning easy ways to manage tension, anxiety, and feelings of panic.
In our Wellness Talk, Calming the Chaos Through Restoring Balance, Tammy Zumbo, LCSW-R will help define sources of chaos, and how perception of these issues may contribute to feelings of overwhelm. She will explore ways to calm the stress response of fight- flight- freeze, and explore how this physiological response has been useful for the survival of our ancestors . Participants will learn energy balancing exercises designed to help restore peace and grounding for both the body and the mind.