Did you stand for more than 1 consecutive hour without a break today?
Standing while working is often the most appropriate working posture. However, standing to work is obviously more tiring than sitting and it requires 20% more energy. Also, metabolic wastes tend to accumulate in the muscles during isometric work because of minimized blood flow. Prolonged standing results in greater strain on the circulatory system, legs, and feet.
Individuals who spend most of their day on their feet are at greater risk for the following: varicose veins, poor circulation and swelling in the feet and legs, foot problems, joint damage, as well as heart and circulatory problems.
When standing, it is recommended that you shift your weight from foot to foot to provide an important relief mechanism. If the legs don’t move, the blood from the heart tends to go down to the legs and remain there--a phenomenon called venous pooling.
This pooling causes leg swelling, edema, and varicose veins. Wearing anti-fatigue footwear as much possible will be helpful. However, ideally, frequently change your working posture, including sitting, standing, and walking.
Members of the safety and ergonomics community also agree on the importance of breaks to reduce the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. So, to avoid these risks, remember to:
● Change your posture frequently, shifting your weight from foot to foot
● Try walking for two to four minutes for every 15 minutes of standing work
● Avoid standing for more than 1 consecutive hour each day.